Member-only story
Helios Throws a Curveball
His Head in a Negative Spin Cycle for Autumn
Hope turns into dispair during the Autumn within Helios’s head.
Negative thoughts breed in there like an exponential rabbit warren breeding bunnies. Only the thoughts are neither cute or fluffy!
He has experienced trauma for much of his life. Most of it brutal. And at this time of year it seems to twist and turn in his mind untill it rips him apart.
For the last four years I have experienced this along side him, as his previous experiences dictate his mood and temperament. He has every year gone absent without leave. Not that he needs my permission. He is a grown adult. But it would be nice to think, you’d inform the one you claim to love, when it was necessary! AWOL is the finale , coming after a spat of volatile and self destructive activity. He seems determined to believe he is the holder of all the worlds evils. And as such this year, with all the global destructiveness and more local madness goings on, he has found it particularly difficult. He becomes quite determined that he should be alone in this world dring this particular season.
We are still trying to pinpoint the initial event that triggered these feelings. And although we have worked tirelessly together to erradicate alot of his internal negativity and obsevive…